"Phyllis Bramson: Love and Affection in a Hostile World" In January 2012, the Union League Club of Chicago honored Bramson with its DIstinguished Artist Award, putting her in the rarified company of Ed Paschke, Ruth Duckworth, Dawoud Bey, Kerry James Marshall, Barbara Crane, Michiko Itatani, Robert Lostutter, John David Mooney, Iņigo Manglano-Ovalle, Richard Hunt, James Valerio, William Conger, Don Baum and Vera Klement.. The club showed this video alongside an exhibition of her paintings, including the one she's creating in the video, "Promiscuous Joinings." What a pleasure to go backstage and see where all this loveliness comes from. Phyllis was a delight, an unjaded cosmopolite. The music on the soundtrack is composed by her friend, Pat Hamilton, performed by Via Verso. Special thanks to critic Miranda McClintoc, Celeste Rapone, and Lanny Silverman, curator for Chicago Department of Cultural Affairs and Special Events. |